Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tonight's movie

I wanted to write a longer article tonight but classic cinema called my name. Rather than go for one of the special effects driven flicks, I chose a classic.

One of those foundational films that no one realizes is so influential until they really watch it with one of the movies it helped inspire. Tonights movie is the classic Kurosawa movie- "The Hidden Fortress".

Yes "Seven Samurai" is the one everyone knows, but that doesn't mean his body of work begins and ends there. "Hidden Fortress" is a must watch for any film buff, and if you are wondering what movies it helped inspire, look at famous SciFi trilogies. That's the only hint i'm going to give you.

Send me a comment if you figure it out. Until you do, buy or rent "Hidden Fortress" and enjoy master Kurosawa.

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