Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Busy today

I don't have a ton of time, but as soon as I saw this article I had to link to it.

It sums this up pretty well, but who wants logic? Not the music labels!

More later, or tomorrow!


  1. I don't understand why more artists don't produce their own music and distribute it on their own websites. With technology available today, an artist just starting out would be able to put together a serviceable recording and only be out a few thousand dollars. The advantages are numerous, including that they can interact with their fans however they like and all of the money they make is theirs to keep. If more artists would take the initiate to self promote, we just might see the end of Nickleback shoved down our throats. Just sayin'...

  2. Jason,

    I totally agree with you. The technology is there. Hell, the makers of RockBand have software that allow you to submit your songs directly to be approved for downloadable content! They can also distribute to iTunes directly and price things how they want, not how their label wants. It will come Jason, not soon enough, but it will come!
