Monday, March 15, 2010

Entering a crowded market- Why?

I was reading about the new Sherbourn PRE/PRO that seems to be in the press today and my first thought was- Do we really need another?

I am not saying the product won't be great, and i'm not saying it's going to be horrible, but after all the products that have faded in and out or are shells of former glory the past decade (Adcom, Sunfire come immediately to mind) why do we need another? What makes the product unique? Low power requirements? E.U. Power conservation requirements? Other than that, it seems like any other piece i've seen recently. Great, it has balanced audio at a fairly competitive price point (i'm assuming) but what else?

More and more of these boxes look, feel, and act the same and it dilutes the industry as a whole. It wasn't bad enough Lexicon took an Oppo player and put it in a bigger chassis and charged a fortune? My point is this, we need to separate the wheat from the chaff; make a product that REALLY differentiates between your competitors or make room for the innovators. All we are doing is weakening the industry as a whole. Consumers have a tough enough time differentiating when there are compelling products out there, let alone when things look, act and feel the same.

Yes, i'm repeating myself, and i'll keep repeating myself till we rally around a change- The industry needs more policing. No one needs more black boxes. I love this stuff, and i'm tired of them! I can only imagine the average person.

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