Tuesday, March 30, 2010

AV, transition writing and the other things...

This site was always intended to document my transition in a small business, and give my take on what’s new and exciting in AV (at least to me). It’s only been a month now and I’m having a lot of fun with it.

Since I’ve started this, I’ve been on a self improvement binge too. If you’re gonna change you might as well make a bunch of good changes at the same time. I really want to get things in order, clean up loose ends, and generally make life easier and better.

How I did work the past four years, and subsequently, how I did my life as a whole the past four years is just wrong.

Sure, in the process I took a fair number of people down with me, but I’m looking to change that. Misery does love company. Little steps, big steps, whatever I can do to get to a better place and do work the right way. I do know I violated the Geneva Convention a couple of times, but I’m going to let the UN figure that out and start over. Until then, I’ll try to throw them off the trail and make life a little easier.

Today’s project was email as a boat anchor. Stuff sitting in inboxes just laying there, waiting to overwhelm me like a Komodo Dragon waiting for the wildebeest (sorry, I couldn’t resist the LIFE reference) At the office, I realized that

  1. the projects I finished four years ago, three years ago, etc… were not going to bite me in the ass any more
  2. That I was no longer in that position and it didn’t really matter

Needless to say, I deleted 2-3000 old emails today. My inbox went from 4-500 supposedly relevant emails to 102 as of this writing, and I have more to cut. Tonight, I’m going to organize and cut the fat in my personal email.

By the way, this was helped by a great article on ZenHabits- I strongly recommend you look at not just this article, but the site as a whole. I’m sure you’ll see plenty more from them on here.


Once I’ve done that, I’ll reward myself with some tunes again tonight. Any suggestions for the K-Scape playlist of the day?

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