Monday, March 8, 2010

The first week- Thoughts

So the first week came and went, and I wanted to touch on what I thought of it all.

Overall, it was nice to be back, and everyone was glad to see me and I was glad to see them. It was nice to settle into a work routine of sorts and be out of the house after all this time recovering. Granted, we didn't sort out my position contract yet, but i'm confident we will at some point this week.

I'm starting to feel useful at work, for the first time in years. I feel like I can accomplish things, I don't feel like i'm the "obstacle". I enjoy contributing vs. battling. My boss hasn't changed but most of his frustration is no longer directed at me, because i'm no longer the department.

I've had some positive conversations thus far about new marketing ideas and new products that we should sell that are easy transitions for the company, at least for someone unencumbered by an existing sales position. Personally, I think this will be my toughest challenge, keeping enough of my time free to prospect all these markets that we don't even scratch. Small businesses are tough in that respect; everyone wears every hat at least some of the time, and if you don't take them off for a while you wind up never taking it off. I learned that in my old position. Don't take on too much, you might not be able to give it back.

Anyway, it's nice to enjoy work, and it's nice to being doing a little of everything right now. I hope we can hash out an agreement that keeps me on my toes in a good way. Once I know more, ill share my thoughts.

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