Saturday, March 20, 2010

Buying a TV

Yes, everyone has written one of these before. Yes, i'm unoriginal this time. I get it. However, i'm making you work for it

I'm doing this for a friend who asked about TV's, so there.

I think everyone short of people who are really, really into Audio Video gear get excited and sort of dread buying something like a TV. It's a pretty big purchase for everyone and no one really has a clue what to buy, let alone how to get the right one. The answer is pretty easy if not time intensive.


In fact, going to a store and looking at a wall of TV's with the same thing on is the last thing you should do. They all look terrible, there's a ton of pressure, and you have no clue how the set is hooked up. In fact, some sets might be hooked up in a better way and some in a worse way to sway your decision without even knowing.

Getting back to studying. I'm here to help. No, i'm not going to tell you what I think you should buy. I have my opinions and everyone is welcome to ask. I'm going to give you some great places to start your research.

Frankly, most people can get away with just this one site. Gary Merson has forgotten more about HD and video in general than I might ever know. If he likes it, it's a good set.

I love their writing too. My only problem with them is they still seem to subscribe (no pun intended) to a more print friendly posting schedule. I trust them as well.

If you still have questions after checking these sites out, send me an email or post a comment. My purpose is to consult, and help educate; I don't want people being spoon fed that this is the best, buy it. That's a salesman's job. I'm here to consult, and to educate. Education requires work.

Let me know how I can help.

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