Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thoughts on the second week

The second week was similar to the first in a good way.

I felt pretty good, my stress level is staying low and I feel better about work in general. The second week was better than the first in that I seem to have started well with our blog scoring a great, and well regarded, AV writer to help get the content off the ground. Also, we have our meeting setup with the web designer and IT pros to give our monthly emailer a 'freshen up' more in-line with the website aesthetic. The marketing seems to be headed in the right direction for me and i'm pleased.

I'm still pleasantly surprised at how a job change in the same small company can do so much for my state of mind and general well being. Its been a really pleasant change and i'm happy to go to work again. This benefits me and my employer, a happy worker is a productive worker, and I feel more productive than I have in quite sometime.

I will say, i'm starting to feel really bad for the person in my old position. Seeing the difficulties of the position from the 'outside' looking in makes me wonder how I did it for so long. I'm trying to do as much as I can to give him a hand. He and I are the only two in the company who know the pain of doing the old job so it means a lot to me to help him succeed. If we can't both do it, it's just not doable. I'll keep everyone abreast of how this goes in the future.

Until then, stay dry if you live in the eastern part of the US- I may put up a some more posts today but it's a bit hectic this weekend. Thanks for reading so far. This is fun.


  1. Sometimes all you need is a little change to get life on the rite path. Keep going JTM.
    -Pete A.

  2. Thanks Pete. I appreciate the encouragement and the readership
