Sunday, April 25, 2010

Might look good from far...

I was fortunate enough to get away this past week on vacation. While away, I noticed something different about this trip, that i've never sensed before on vacation....

Fake customer service.

This is the type of service that everyone says the right thing, but body language, actions and their eyes really tell you how they are feeling. Something behind the scenes isn't right, and they can't act well enough to hide it, or they don't care enough to hide it. It's probably one of the most sad things to see. Some people might think it's just fake, others might think it's rude. Others might not even care enough to notice.

I think it's sad. I think there's an underlying cause and until that improves you're going to see zombies. Clockwatchers. Working for the weekend. Working till they find another job.

The point is, we all need to be cognizant of our impact on one another. Being a jerk, being rude, being short, or being demeaning at work has an impact on your employees and that gets to your clients, one way or another.

Just because they might fake it with you doesn't mean they want to do as good a job with your customers and it can and will drive people away. People can do a really good job acting like they care if they think their job is on the line. People also know most consumers don't care enough about the interaction with the people serving to notice.

Subconsciously, most customers might get a sense and that might be enough to keep them away. Make it a point not to be the reason these interactions happen. It won't always keep your employees happy, but it might keep more employees than you think from ruining your brand.

Keep an eye out for this. I'd love for you to let me know when you see these interactions and take a macro look at where it happened- see what you think triggered it.

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