Thursday, April 8, 2010

iPhone 4.0 and what it means to AV (or should)

I've seen quite a few articles recently about how iPhone and iPad just aren't the perfect fit for touchpanel usage. It seems by playing catch up to other phone manufacturers Apple has solved most of these problems in the new 4.0 update. Here are just a few examples, and what it means for the industry:

Multitasking- Clearly a no brainer. This will allow apps like Savant, Crestron and Control 4's to run in the background waiting for you to adjust volume or generally just play around with some other things and come right back, and let's not forget RemoteScape for Kaleidescape. Hopefully this means no more loading all your album art everytime you boot. Set and forget.

Fast application switching- Perhaps they dont need to run all the time, just remember exactly where they were when you used them last. 4.0 will allow you the ability to "freeze" these apps and come back, remembering what was happening last. This will be great for apps with volume feedback, perhaps like the Sonos iPhone app, or Remotescape (again)

Local Notifications- This is the game changer for me. The idea that these background apps can be aware and "push" a notice to you?! Amazing! Now, if your security conscious, you can leave your control system software in the background, and get a notice that the garage door opened, or that the cool sensor you placed in the beer cooler to see the kids trying to sneak a bottle for their friend will alert you seemingly everywhere now makes this a MUST for integration software makers

Now, if someone hasn't already thought of these. Feel free to use this article, free of charge... the only caveat is MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Blow our minds! Use these devices as they should be used, as the second coming of the AV touchpanel!!!!

If integrators don't see the potential profit in programming now, do us a favor and close up in an orderly fashion. Distribute your clients to your competitors equally and let the innovators do their jobs!

Let me know your thoughts

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