Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The courts leave the FCC with no power, and im sure this wont end well

Wired Magazine

As a lot of people have heard, A federal appeals court struck down the FCC's ability to regulate broadband internet access. Wired, as the article above links to, seems to think that maybe Congress will step in and force some power back to the FCC as they can't get the national broadband plan off the ground without the FCC having some measure of power.

Think about that for a moment. Congress is going to step in and fix something. This is the same Congress that some members are leaving at 2pm because they lost a vote, and we think they are actually going to get on board and fix this mess?

I don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Independent or Communist, the fact is Congress is not going to TOUCH this and come together to get it working again, leaving Americans to fend for themselves until the situation becomes so abhorrent that it becomes a total mess.

I have no faith in the abilities of the Legislative branch of Congress to right this wrong anytime soon.

We should all be displeased at what happened today and deeply concerned for the idea of Net Neutrality moving forward

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